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White Lake Bicycle Accident Attorney

Has an injury from a bicycle accident caused you financial hardship? If so, call us. The Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates has helped injury victims like you recover compensation.

You or someone you love is likely a bicycle enthusiast or a casual rider who enjoys the freedom of biking around White Lake. Whether for leisure, fitness, or commuting, your bike is a part of your life. But an unexpected accident has left you injured, vulnerable, and uncertain about the future.

After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, you're facing not just physical pain but also the stress of medical bills, potential lost wages, and the challenges of dealing with insurance companies. You feel frustrated and unsure of where to turn for help. Talking to a White Lake bicycle accident lawyer can benefit you in times like this. Call us at 248-886-8650 or email us for a free consultation. We are here to help.

Let Us Handle Your White Lake Personal Injury Claim

At the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates, we understand the unique challenges bicycle accident victims face. Our experienced team of White Lake personal injury lawyers has been guiding White Lake residents through their toughest times for decades. We're more than just lawyers. We're dedicated allies who will fight for your best interest.

3 Simple Steps Towards Closure

Step 1: Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. We'll listen to your story and assess your case.

Step 2: If we move forward together, you can let us handle virtually every aspect of your claim. We'll negotiate with insurance companies for the maximum compensation possible in your case and take care of all the legal procedures so you can focus on healing.

Step 3: We'll craft an aggressive legal strategy to achieve the full and fair compensation you rightfully deserve. This will be most often ascertained through a settlement with the relevant insurance company, but could involve going to trial if settlement talks fall through.

The Risk of Not Having Legal Representation

You risk being taken advantage of without an attorney by your side. For example, insurance companies use a variety of underhanded strategies to lowball settlements. If you accept the first offer they make to you, particularly when they know you do not have legal representation, the money you get may not be enough to cover the full extent of your injuries, medical treatments, and lost income. Even worse, once you accept a settlement payout, you will have no further right to pursue compensation in the future. Our legal team can help you avoid this (and other) common pitfalls.

Feel Confident Moving Forward

Imagine regaining your peace of mind. You can say goodbye to financial strain because your medical expenses are paid. You have the money to cover your lost wages and you even have compensation for your pain and suffering. Now, you can get back to living life on your terms. And that may include peddling around White Lake on your bike.

Contact the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates today. Take the first step toward financial security with a call or quick email.

Bicycle Accident Statistics

Michigan is no stranger to the darker side of bicycle rides. Every year, hundreds of cyclists find themselves involved in accidents resulting in severe injuries. In other instances, these events lead to fatalities. Over the past three years, there has been a 64% increase in cycling-related deaths. Additionally, 103 bicyclists died between 2020 and 2022.

Here are more stats that give us pause for concern for bicycle enthusiasts:


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reveals some startling stats.

  • 966 bicycle fatalities in 2021
  • 62% of fatalities don't take place near intersections
  • 85% of fatal accidents occur in urban settings
  • 46% of fatal injuries result in crashes involving pickup trucks, SUVs, and vans
  • 81% of fatality victims are male

The number of injuries is equally disturbing. The NTSB reports an estimated 41,615 bicyclists suffered injuries in 2021.


Our state has seen an upward trend in the number of bicycle-related motor vehicle accidents. In areas like White Lake, cyclists face safety risks. Here are a few 21018-2022 notable statistics from the Michigan State Police and the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI).

  • 1,340 traffic collisions involved cyclists in 2022
  • 103 bicycle riders died between 2020 and 2022
  • 7% of bicycle-related crashes happen from May through October
  • 1 % of bicycle accidents happened at intersections
  • 6 to 7 pm and Friday are the peak times for deaths and catastrophic injuries

The severity of bicycle injuries and fatalities is being addressed. In 2023, several statewide law enforcement agencies received overtime grants to enforce the state's bicycle laws during Bicyclist Safety Enforcement Week (August 7 to 13). Oakland County Sheriff's Office was among the grant recipients.

Tips for Preventing Bicycle Accidents in White Lake, MI

White Lake cyclists cherish their time pedaling around the scenic landscapes. Seasoned bikers and newbie riders alike benefit from practical safety tips that can prevent injuries and fatalities.

Safety Tips for Cyclists

Your safety starts with adopting responsible road behavior. Additionally, the right equipment matters. Here are some recommendations:

  • Wear a Helmet: Always wear a helmet that fits well and meets safety standards. It's your best defense against head injuries.
  • Visibility is Key: Use reflective gear and install lights on your bicycle, especially if you ride early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • Follow Traffic Laws: Adhere to the same rules that apply to motorists. Signal your turns, obey traffic signs, and stay on the right side of the road.
  • Stay Alert: Watch for road hazards while being mindful of vehicles and pedestrians around you. Avoid using headphones or anything that could distract your attention from the road.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep your bike in good condition. Check your brakes, tires, and lights on a regular basis.

Community and Government Bike Safety Initiatives

White Lake, like many communities across Michigan, continues to prioritize the safety of bicyclists through various initiatives:

  • Bike Lanes and Trails: Developing dedicated bike lanes and trails is a priority to provide safe spaces for cyclists away from vehicular traffic.
  • Education Programs: Schools and community centers often host bicycle safety courses, teaching children and adults about safe cycling practices. The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)'s Bike. Drive. Safe is one example.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Efforts to raise awareness about the rights of cyclists and share the road with vehicles foster a safer environment.

Advocacy and Resources for Cyclists

Several local and national organizations advocate for cyclists' safety and rights. These entities offer a wealth of resources, from legal advice to safety tips:

  • League of American Bicyclists: A national organization advocating for cyclists' rights and providing bike safety and education resources.
  • Michigan Bicyclist Association: Focused on promoting cycling, the rights of cyclists, and improving biking infrastructure in Michigan.
  • Safe Routes to School: This initiative encourages children to bike to school safely, offering resources for parents and schools to facilitate safe biking habits from a young age.

Preventing bicycle accidents in White Lake, MI, requires a community effort. By staying informed, equipped, and engaged, cyclists can enjoy the numerous benefits of biking while minimizing risks.

Common Causes of Bicycle Crashes

Bicycle accidents in White Lake and other communities stem from various situations. These scenarios include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Vehicle Collisions: These wrecks occur when a vehicle strikes a cyclist or forces them to swerve and crash. Factors include distracted driving, failure to yield, and impaired driving.
  • Dooring Incidents: These incidents occur when a parked vehicle's door opens in the path of a cyclist, causing a collision.
  • Poor Road Conditions: Potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces, and debris can pose significant risks to cyclists.

Other contributing factors include speeding vehicles, aggressive driving, and bike defects. When both bikers and motorists stay abreast of the leading causes, they can foster a safer cycling community in White Lake.

Common Injuries Impacting Cyclists

Serious injuries often go hand in hand with bicycle accidents. Any rider is vulnerable to hazards. Veteran and new cyclists have fallen victim to severe injury, disability, and even death.

Physical Harm

  • Minor cuts and bruises
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Fractures
  • Death

Emotional and Mental Harm

We can't underestimate the physical and emotional impact collisions have on cyclists. In both cases, the victim's return to daily activities and enjoyment of life gets hindered. Additionally, the post-accident recovery can require extensive medical treatment.

 What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

It goes without saying that a bicycle crash is a jarring experience. The event will likely leave you disoriented, not knowing how to respond to the situation. The steps below clarify how to handle the incident, ensuring your well-being and rights are protected.

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Don't downplay your injuries, even minor ones. Your condition could worsen or be more severe than you think. Attend to your health by visiting a healthcare provider immediately. They can give you a thorough exam and conduct diagnostic tests. It’s also important to have a medical record created directly after the incident in case you need to file a personal injury claim later.
  2. Report the Accident: File a report with the White Lake Township Police Department or whichever department has jurisdiction where the accident occurs. A police officer will complete a report, which provides an official record of the incident. It includes details that can serve as valuable evidence if you make a claim.
  3. Gather Evidence: If you can, photograph the scene, your injuries, and any bicycle damage. Also, ask eyewitnesses for their contact information.
  4. Notify Your Insurance Company: Tell your insurance agent about the accident. Share only the facts. The insurer could use your words to lower the value of your claim.
  5. Consult a White Lake Bicycle Accident Attorney: These collisions often have legal implications. You will likely need help negotiating a fair payout or filing a lawsuit against the negligent party. A lawyer can review your case and advise you on a course of action that works best for your unique case.

Michigan law offers financial protections for cyclists who get injured due to someone else’s negligence. That's good news. The not-so-good part is that the journey to getting compensated for your losses can get complicated. Following the steps above puts you in a position to recover the money you need to move on from such an incident without experiencing ongoing financial strain.

The Legal Landscape of Michigan Bicycle Laws

Michigan has specific laws aimed at protecting cyclists. These protections range from routine traffic rules to more advanced legal concepts. They also provide an avenue for victims to pursue compensation for their injuries. Ultimately, the overriding mission is to nurture a safer coexistence between motor vehicles and cyclists. Here's a brief overview of a few relevant laws.

  • Right to the Road: Bicyclists in Michigan have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers. They are entitled to ride on the roadway, with exceptions like limited-access highways.
  • Helmet Use: State law doesn't mandate helmets for cyclists. However, helmet use is highly recommended to reduce the risk of a traumatic brain injury.
  • Safe Passing Laws: Motorists must maintain a safe distance of 3 feet when passing bicycles to prevent collisions.
  • Signaling: Cyclists must use hand signals to indicate turns and stops to other road users (MCL 257.648).

Liability and Fault in Bicycle Accidents

Michigan's approach to determining fault in bicycle accidents involves several key principles:

  • No-Fault Insurance: The no-fault insurance system allows bicycle accident victims to sometimes receive benefits from their own insurance policies, no matter who's at fault. Additionally, victims can seek compensation through a third-party claim if the other party was negligent.
  • Negligence: What if another party's negligence led to the accident? In this instance, the injured cyclist could file a lawsuit against the negligent party. A case like this requires you to prove the four elements of negligence, which are duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages.
  • Comparative Fault: In simple terms, this legal rule reduces the amount of a victim's compensation according to how much they contributed to the accident. For example, a cyclist is 20% at fault for entering a crosswalk before the greenlight appears. However, an SUV driver was speeding and couldn't stop, making them 80% at fault. So, a $100,000 award in this instance would get lowered to $80,000 ( Comp. Laws § 600.2959).

These rules, regulations, and statutes help ensure the rights of cyclists. Every bicycle accident case is unique. As a result, the way the laws apply to each claim may differ slightly. A personal injury attorney can provide the legal counsel needed to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your losses.

Types of Compensation Available for Bicycle Accidents in White Lake, MI

You're injured. A negligent party is responsible. By law, you have the right to financial restitution. Below are the types of monetary relief that may be available to you, depending on the specific circumstances of your case:

  • Medical Bills: Current and future medical treatment related to injuries sustained in the accident.
  • Income Loss: Lost wages due to time off work for recovery. Also, it covers your future earning capacity if the injuries affect your ability to work.
  • Pain and Suffering: Addresses costs associated with physical pain and emotional anguish, including the impact on your quality of life.
  • Property Damage: You may receive payment to repair or replace items damaged in the crash, such as your bike, helmet, smartphone, clothes, watch, etc.
  • Punitive Damages: Victims could be granted these damages in rare cases when a defendant's conduct is particularly heinous. For example, the defendant (the party being sued) is a drunk driver who has a history of DUIs. In this case, the court may choose to punish them financially to deter reckless behavior.

A bike collision places a strain on finances. Victims get stuck with mountains of medical bills, and the loss of income during their recovery period only makes things worse. Compensation is a much-needed remedy that can ease the financial burden.

The Role of Insurance Claims

Michigan's no-fault insurance laws can make seeking compensation after a bicycle accident somewhat complex. Under no-fault insurance, your own insurance policy may cover certain losses regardless of who was at fault for the accident. Additionally, you can pursue financial relief from the at-fault party's car insurance. Seeking compensation from a negligent party can pay you for damages not covered by your policy, such as pain and suffering.

One action to take post-accident is to report the crash to your own insurance company. You may also need to file a claim against the negligent party, depending on the severity of the situation. This is where a White Lake bicycle accident lawyer can be of great value.

The Process of Filing a Claim

The process of filing a claim or lawsuit for a bicycle accident in White Lake involves several critical steps:

  1. Document the Accident: Collect as much evidence as possible. This includes photos of the scene, your injuries, witness statements, and police reports.
  2. Seek Medical Treatment: Keep up with all your medical paperwork documenting your injuries, prescribed treatments, and medications.
  3. Consult an Attorney: An experienced bicycle accident lawyer can provide helpful guidance. They can handle every aspect of the legal proceedings, such as case evaluations, settlement negotiations, and trial representation.
  4. File an Insurance Claim: Your attorney can help you file a comprehensive claim, ensuring all damages are accurately represented.
  5. Consider Legal Action: If the insurer doesn't offer you fair compensation, a possible option is to file a lawsuit against the negligent party.

A bicycle accident can be a financially overwhelming life event for the victims. Fortunately, you have options available to make things a bit easier. With the support of a skilled bicycle accident lawyer, you can pursue the best option for your unique situation.

How You Can Choose the Right Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Should you hire an attorney? That's a fair question anyone in this situation might ask. Of course, hiring an attorney isn't legally required by the state of Michigan. However, it's better to have a legal professional backing you than to attempt to seek compensation with no help. The involvement of the right lawyer with your case gives you the best chance of walking away with fair compensation. Here are key qualities to look for in an attorney:

  • Experience: Look for an attorney with a track record for handling bicycle cases, especially those involving a car accident.
  • Personal Injury Law Knowledge: An attorney specializing in personal injury lawsuits is who you want representing you. They have in-depth familiarity with local and state laws that can be the difference between a successful and disappointing outcome.
  • History of Success: Research the attorney's track record with similar cases. Success stories and testimonials can provide insight into their capability to handle your case effectively.
  • Empathy: The right attorney should empathize with your situation. They will take the time to understand the impact of the accident on your life. You should come away feeling like they care about you as a person.

What an Attorney Can Do for You

A skilled bicycle accident attorney can be invaluable in several ways:

  • Guiding You Through the Legal System: The legal proceedings confuse many people. There's so much to contend with, from trying to understand legal jargon to knowing how and when to file legal documents. An attorney can bring order to a chaotic situation so you'll have peace of mind during the process.
  • Negotiating Your Settlement: Insurance companies often attempt to minimize payouts. Your attorney will advocate on your behalf, using their ability to negotiate fair compensation. Most cases that have a lawyer involved end up settling for far more than those who don’t.
  • Maximizing Your Compensation: You're entitled to more than reimbursement for medical bills. You deserve payment for wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Your attorney will ensure no money is left on the table. They can explore every potential avenue for financial recovery.

The attorney you choose to hire will have a direct impact on the outcome of your case. It's recommended that you take the time to research bicycle accident attorneys. Make sure you select someone you connect with and who has the legal resources to achieve a favorable result.

 FAQS About White Lake Bicycle Accidents

  1. What is the statute of limitations for filing a bicycle accident lawsuit in Michigan?

You have up to three years from the date of the bicycle accident to file a lawsuit for a personal injury case (MCL Section 600.5805).

  1. Can I file a wrongful death claim if a loved one dies in a bicycle accident?

If a loved one dies due to a bicycle accident, certain family members or the estate's representative can file a wrongful death lawsuit. This claim must be filed within three years of the date of death. Claimants can seek compensation for losses like funeral expenses, lost earnings potential, and loss of companionship.

  1. How do contingency fees work?

Many bicycle accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. Your lawyer only gets paid if they win your case. They take a percentage of the settlement or award, ranging from 25% to 40%. You will never be asked to pay any fees upfront or out of pocket for personal injury law services.

Get the Legal Help You Deserve

White Lake's scenic routes should be a joy, not a journey fraught with danger. But when you're injured in a bicycle accident due to someone else's negligence, you have no choice but to face the new challenges of paying sky-high medical bills while fighting to recover.

Our legal team understands the frustration of being sidelined from cycling and the life you love. You deserve a White Lake bicycle accident lawyer who will listen to you and fight for you at every turn.

Let our law firm handle your legal battle. Make an appointment for a free consultation with our firm right now. Call us at 248-886-8650 or email us to talk to an attorney.


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We are available for free consultations in person, via Zoom or through FaceTime.

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White Lake, MI 48386
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