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Dearborn Dog Bite Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, you may be facing physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. The Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates is here to help you obtain fair compensation for your medical bills and more. Give us a call at 248-886-8650 for a free consultation.

Dogs have a long history of being considered "man's best friend," which can make a dog attack all the more terrifying when they happen. If you've suffered from a dog attack, you may be unsure of where to go next or what needs to happen to protect your own rights and safety.

Dog bite cases can be complex, involving legal intricacies and insurance negotiations. As experienced dog bite lawyers serving the Dearborn community, we at Christopher Trainor & Associates have the knowledge, skills, and dedication to guide you through this challenging time and fight for the compensation you deserve. Our Dearborn dog bite lawyers are here to help get justice for injuries caused as a result of negligent dog owners.

Common Causes of Dog Bites

Though dogs are not often prone to attack, thousands of victims across the United States visit emergency rooms every day for dog bite injuries. With an estimated 38% of households having at least one dog, knowing what might push a dog to attack can help reduce injuries and keep our community safe. The common causes of dog attacks include:

  • Lack of Training: Dogs that have not been properly trained may exhibit aggressive behavior towards people or other animals.
  • Provocation: Dogs may feel threatened or provoked by certain actions, such as loud noises, sudden movements, or attempts to take away their food or toys.
  • Fear or Anxiety: Dogs that are fearful or anxious may lash out defensively if they feel cornered or trapped.
  • Protection of Territory: Dogs may become aggressive when they perceive a threat to their territory or the people they consider part of their pack.
  • Lack of Socialization: Dogs that have not been adequately socialized with other animals or people may react aggressively out of fear or uncertainty.
  • Neglect or Abuse: Dogs that have been mistreated or neglected may develop aggressive tendencies as a result of their past experiences.
  • Medical Issues: Dogs in pain or discomfort due to underlying medical conditions may react aggressively if they are touched or approached.

Understanding the factors contributing to dog attacks can help individuals take appropriate precautions to prevent such incidents. If you've suffered from a dog bite in Dearborn for one of the aforementioned reasons, the Dearborn dog bite attorneys at Christopher Trainor & Associates can help you seek the justice you deserve.

Common Types of Dog Bite Injuries

A dog attack may leave you with a few minor scrapes, or you could be suffering severe injuries and infections. Here are the injuries we see most often in Dearborn dog bite claims.

  • Puncture Wounds: These are caused by the dog's teeth piercing the skin and can vary in severity depending on the force of the bite.
  • Lacerations: These are deep cuts or tears in the skin that may require stitches or other medical treatment to close.
  • Bruising: Dog bites can cause bruising or discoloration of the skin due to the impact of the bite.
  • Tissue Damage: In severe cases, dog bites can result in damage to underlying tissues, muscles, and nerves, leading to long-term complications.
  • Infections: Dog saliva contains bacteria that can lead to serious infections such as cellulitis or septicemia if the injury is not properly cleaned and cared for.
  • Scarring: Some dog bite injuries may result in permanent scarring or disfigurement, especially if the wound is deep or located on the face or hands.
  • Psychological Trauma: In addition to physical injuries, dog bites can also cause emotional distress, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially in children or individuals with a fear of dogs.
  • Wrongful Death: Between 2005 and 2019, 521 Americans were killed by dogs. If you lost a loved one to a dog attack, you may be entitled to compensation for their death.
  • Rabies: Dog bites can transmit rabies if the dog is infected with the virus, leading to severe neurological symptoms and death if left untreated. Immediate medical attention is essential to prevent rabies infection following a dog bite.

Seeking prompt medical care after a dog bite is essential to prevent complications and ensure proper healing. Once your injuries have been treated, contact Christopher Trainor & Associates for your next steps.

Statistically Dangerous Breeds

The concept of "dangerous" dog breeds is often debated and controversial, as a dog's behavior is influenced by various factors including genetics, upbringing, training, and socialization.

However, some breeds are statistically associated with more severe bites or attacks due to factors like size, strength, and historical breeding purposes. Breeds commonly mentioned in discussions about dog bite incidents include:

  • Pit Bulls: Pit bulls accounted for 69% of all dog bite fatalities within the United States in 2019. They are often considered dangerous due to their history of being bred for bull-baiting and fighting, which can influence certain aggressive tendencies. However, individual behavior varies widely, and responsible ownership, training, and socialization play significant roles in a pit bull's temperament and behavior.
  • Rottweilers: Rottweilers make up 8% of all fatalities and may be dangerous due to their size, strength, and protective instincts. While they are loyal and devoted family pets when properly trained and socialized, their natural guarding instincts may lead to aggression towards perceived threats if not properly managed or trained by responsible owners.
  • German Shepherds: Their strong protective instincts and territorial nature may lead to aggressive behavior, especially if they perceive a threat to their family or territory. Additionally, their intelligence and athleticism mean they require mental stimulation and physical exercise to prevent boredom and potential behavioral issues. However, with consistent training, positive reinforcement, and responsible ownership, German Shepherds can be loyal, obedient, and well-behaved companions.
  • Doberman Pinschers: Dobermans can be considered potentially dangerous due to their strong protective instincts and loyalty to their owners. If they are not properly trained, socialized, or managed, these traits can lead to aggressive behavior, especially in situations where they perceive a threat. Their size, strength, and agility mean they can cause significant harm if they do become aggressive.

It's important to note that individual dogs within any breed can vary widely in temperament, and responsible ownership, proper training, and socialization are key factors in preventing dog-related incidents. Breed-specific legislation (BSL)aimed at regulating or banning certain breeds is controversial and often criticized by animal welfare organizations, as it may not effectively address the root causes of dog-related incidents. Instead, education on responsible pet ownership and measures to prevent bites and attacks should be prioritized.

How to Prevent a Dog Attack

Dog attacks can result in serious injuries and emotional trauma for victims. To mitigate the risk of such incidents, it's essential for residents of Dearborn to understand how to prevent dog attacks and promote responsible pet ownership. Preventing a dog attack involves several key strategies:

  • Understand Canine Behavior: Learn to recognize signs of aggression and discomfort in dogs, such as growling, bared teeth, and stiff body posture.
  • Respect Boundaries: Avoid approaching unfamiliar dogs, especially if they are tethered or eating. Always ask permission from the owner before petting a dog.
  • Educate Children: Teach children how to interact safely with dogs, including the importance of not disturbing dogs while they eat or sleep.
  • Be Cautious Around Strays: If encountering a stray dog, remain calm and avoid making sudden movements. Slowly back away without turning your back to the dog.
  • Report Aggressive Dogs: If you encounter a dog displaying aggressive behavior or roaming unsupervised, report it to local animal control authorities.
  • Secure Property: Dog owners should ensure their pets are properly restrained or contained within their property to prevent them from escaping and potentially causing harm.
  • Avoid Provocation: Refrain from teasing, taunting, or startling dogs, as this can trigger defensive or aggressive reactions.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you are uncertain about a dog's behavior or need assistance with training, consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

By fostering awareness, respect for canine behavior, and effective communication with pet owners, we can create a safer environment for both humans and dogs alike. If you have experienced a dog attack in Dearborn, reach out to a dog bite attorney from Christopher Trainor & Associates to learn more about your rights.

What To Do in the Moment

Facing a dog attack is scary. Adrenaline will be pumping, and you may encounter a "fight" or "flight" response. Knowing what to do when a dog does attack could save yourself from injuries and even death.

If you find yourself in a situation with an unfamiliar or aggressive dog, there are a few things you can try in order to de-escalate the situation before an attack happens:

  • Stay calm. Dogs can sense fear, and any shouting, running, or sudden movements may increase the dog's excitement and make the situation worse. Try to remain calm so you don't escalate the situation further.
  • Call for the owner. If the owner of the dog is nearby, see if they are able to retrieve their dog.
  • Put something between you and the dog. This can break its line of sight and also offer a form of barrier protection.
  • Direct the dog. Try commanding the dog to "sit" or "stay" in a firm voice. If the dog responds, attempt to calmly remove yourself from the area or call for help.
  • Throw something. Toss an object away from you (such as a stick or toy or food) to distract the dog so you can get away.
  • Go to higher ground. Try to climb on top of something out of the dog's reach if you can.

Sometimes the best way to evade an attack is to avoid the interaction altogether. Keep your distance from strange dogs, and never attempt to pet an animal without first asking the dog owner.

Liability for Dog Bite Injuries

In Dearborn, as in the rest of Michigan, liability for a dog bite injury typically falls on the dog's owner. Michigan follows a strict liability rule for dog bite cases, meaning that the owner is held responsible for injuries caused by their dog, regardless of whether the owner knew about the dog's propensity to bite or whether the dog had previously bitten someone.

However, there are exceptions to this rule:

  1. Provocation: If someone intentionally provokes or angers a dog and then gets bitten, the owner usually isn't held responsible. Dogs can react aggressively if they feel threatened or irritated, even if they're usually calm.
  2. Trespassing: Dogs often protect their owner's property. So, if someone enters a property without permission and is attacked by a dog, the owner isn't usually liable for the trespasser's injuries.

Exceptions may also be made if someone other than the owner was in control of the dog at the time of the bite, such as a dog walker or caretaker. This third party may share liability for the injury.

The Provocation Defense

Sometimes, insurance companies or the dog owner's lawyer might use something called the "provocation defense" to avoid responsibility. They argue that the person who got bitten did something to make the dog attack, so they shouldn't be held accountable. A judge might throw out the person's lawsuit if they can prove this.

However, every dog bite case is different, and provocation isn't always intentional. For instance, if someone pulls a dog's tail on purpose and then gets bitten, they probably won't have a valid claim. However, if someone accidentally startles a dog and gets bitten, the owner is likely still responsible. That's why it's crucial for dog bite victims to get help from experienced lawyers at Christopher Trainor & Associates after a Dearborn dog attack.

Delivery Drivers and Dog Bites

Unfortunately, that old adage about dogs hating the mailman did not come out of nowhere. The United States Postal Service reported more than 5,400 dog attacks on its carriers in 2021 alone. These numbers don't even take into account other delivery services most people use on a regular basis, like DoorDash or Amazon.

Michigan has remained in the top ten states for dog attacks on mail carriers for the past several years, which means delivery drivers in Dearborn are especially vulnerable.

If you are a delivery driver and have suffered a dog bite injury, you have two options:

  1. First, file a claim with your employer's worker's compensation.
  2. Second, file a claim against the dog owner for any injuries not covered by worker's comp.

We recommend speaking to one of the attorneys at Christopher Trainor & Associates before filing your claim, as any statement you make could be used against you in your case.

Compensation for Dearborn Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bite injuries can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial consequences for victims. No amount of compensation can erase what happened, but it can help ease the financial burden so that you can focus on recovery. Some damages you may be entitled to after a dog attack include:

  • Medical Expenses: Dog bite injuries often require immediate medical attention, including emergency room visits, surgeries, diagnostic tests (like X-rays), medications (such as antibiotics or painkillers), and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers. Additionally, victims may require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation therapies (like physical therapy), and psychological counseling to cope with the trauma of the attack.
  • Lost Wages: Injuries from a dog bite can result in time away from work for recovery, leading to lost wages or income. This compensation covers the wages or salary that the victim would have earned during their absence from work, including any sick leave or vacation time used during the recovery period. Lost wages may also include future income if the injury prevents the victim from returning to their previous job or limits their earning capacity in the future.
  • Pain and Suffering: Dog bite injuries can cause significant physical pain and emotional distress. Pain and suffering compensation accounts for the physical discomfort, mental anguish, and emotional trauma experienced by the victim as a result of the attack. This includes not only the immediate pain from the injury but also any long-term consequences, such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Scarring and Disfigurement: Severe dog bites can leave lasting scars and permanent disfigurement, which may require cosmetic surgery or other medical interventions to repair. Compensation for scarring and disfigurement aims to address the physical and emotional impact of visible injuries, including any changes in appearance that affect the victim's self-esteem, social interactions, or quality of life.
  • Property Damage: In addition to causing bodily harm, a dog attack may result in damage to personal property, such as torn clothing, eyeglasses, or electronic devices. Compensation for property damage covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged items directly related to the incident. This can include clothing torn during the attack, accessories damaged while defending oneself, or personal belongings destroyed in the altercation.
  • Legal Fees: Pursuing a dog bite injury claim often requires the assistance of a skilled attorney who can navigate the legal process on behalf of the victim. Legal fees compensation reimburses the victim for the costs associated with hiring a lawyer, including attorney fees, court filing fees, expert witness fees, and other litigation expenses incurred during the case. This ensures that victims have access to legal representation without bearing the financial burden upfront.

Having a dog bite lawyer to help with your claim will give you peace of mind, knowing that you are receiving the maximum compensation for your injuries. Though Christopher Trainor & Associates cannot guarantee a certain amount, we stand by our commitment to ensure our clients receive the best settlement or verdict possible.

Statute of Limitations

In Michigan, the statute of limitations for dog bite cases is three years from the bite's occurrence, aligning with other personal injury claims. Waiting beyond this period means forfeiting your right to seek compensation. Since the claims process, particularly if taken to court, can be delayed or take time to resolve, prompt action is needed to ensure a timely resolution. Contact a Michigan personal injury attorney who specializes in dog bites to make sure you don't miss this deadline.

How an Attorney Can Help

After a dog attack in Dearborn, a lawyer from Christopher Trainor & Associates can assist you in various ways:

  • Legal Advice and Support: A dog bite injury lawyer familiar with dog attacks can provide tailored advice and support to suit your circumstances. They'll clarify your rights, assess the strength of your case, and discuss options for seeking compensation for your injuries.
  • Investigating What Happened: A lawyer can delve into the specifics of the dog attack, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and obtaining essential documents like medical records. This thorough investigation helps establish liability and bolster your case.
  • Determining Liability: Dog bite cases can be complex, and identifying the responsible party can be challenging. A lawyer can analyze the details of your case to determine who should be held accountable for the incident.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Compensation for dog bite injuries often comes from the dog owner's insurance. An attorney can handle negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf, striving to secure a fair settlement.
  • Representation in Court: If negotiations with the insurance company fail to yield a satisfactory outcome, a lawyer can represent you in court. They'll present evidence, call witnesses, and advocate for your right to compensation.
  • Maximizing Compensation: A skilled lawyer knows how to quantify your damages and demand the maximum compensation you deserve. They'll help you document medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering to ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • Advocacy and Support: Dealing with the aftermath of a dog attack can be overwhelming. A lawyer can handle the legal aspects, allowing you to focus on your recovery without worrying about legal matters.

With legal representation, you can navigate the complexities of your case, assert your rights, and pursue fair compensation for the injuries you sustained in a dog attack.

Contact a Dearborn Dog Bite Lawyer Today!

If you or someone you love suffered severe injuries due to a dog bite in Dearborn, it is time to take legal action against the negligent pet owner. State laws protect you as a victim, and Christopher Trainor & Associates is here to help. With years of experience in personal injury law, we can guide you through the claims process from beginning to end, ensuring you receive maximum compensation in your dog bite settlement.

Call us today at 248-886-8650 for your free case evaluation.

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