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When patients visit doctors, it is usually to discuss or diagnose a condition they know almost nothing about – such as pain that won’t go away or a cough they just can’t shake. Patients expect their physicians to have all the answers, but doctors are people, and they make mistakes just like anyone else.


Delivering the wrong diagnosis, prescribing the incorrect medication, failing to notice a tumor – there are countless ways that a medical oversight could lead to serious complications.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that medical errors account for 10 percent of all deaths in the United States. That might sound low – until you realize that 250,000 people die due to medical mistakes every year – more than stroke and unintentional injuries.

If your family member died due to medical malpractice in Michigan, contact a Detroit personal injury attorney from Christopher Trainor & Associates. Our legal team will evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds for a claim.

You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, pain and suffering undergone by the deceased while conscious between the time of the injury and death, loss of financial support, and loss of companionship. Call 1-800-961-8477 to schedule a free initial consultation with an injury lawyer.

Read on to learn about the five most common deadly medical mistakes in the United States:

5 Most Common Deadly Medical Mistakes

Hospitals are busy, often chaotic places staffed by overworked nurses and doctors. It is not always easy for health-care professionals to provide reliable and competent care. This is particularly true when medical providers use drugs or are deprived of sleep.

These five deadly mistakes are particularly common:

  1. Errors of judgment or logic, known as “never events;”
  2. Infections contracted from hospital equipment;
  3. Using malfunctioning medical supplies;
  4. Not noticing signs or symptoms of a medical condition;
  5. And a communication failure among doctors and other health-care workers.

How Can Patients Reduce the Risk of Medical Errors?

A 2011 study published in Health Affairs collected evidence of common doctors’ errors and found that 1 in 3 hospital patients are affected by some sort of medical mistake. As a patient, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of suffering a medical error:

  • Double-checking your diagnosis with another doctor;
  • Confirming and following your treatment plan;
  • Avoiding unnecessary tests;
  • Taking your medications properly and on time;
  • Asking nurses and other medical workers to wash their hands;
  • Consulting a physician who specializes in your specific medical needs;
  • And not leaving the hospital too early.

If you lost a family member due to medical malpractice, contact a personal injury attorney from Christopher Trainor & Associates. An injury lawyer from our firm will guide you through the complicated process of making a medical malpractice claim.

Our firm has been representing the injured for more than 20 years. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-800-961-8477 to schedule a free initial consultation.


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