When patients visit doctors, it is usually to discuss or diagnose a condition they know almost nothing about – such as pain that won’t go away or a cough they just can’t shake. Patients expect their physicians to have all the answers, but doctors are people, and they make mistakes just like anyone else.


Despite awareness campaigns that expose the dangers of drunk driving, an unacceptable number of motorists choose to consume alcohol before hitting the road. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 28 people lose their lives every day because of intoxicated drivers; this equates to one death every 53 minutes.


According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, passenger vehicle occupants account for at least 68 percent of all truck accident deaths. Those who are lucky enough to survive often face chronic pain, cognitive disabilities, and serious spinal injuries.


Boating is a thrilling way to enjoy the summer sun, but it comes with inherent dangers. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, boaters are at risk of impact trauma, cardiac arrest, drowning, hypothermia and other hazards.


Construction has a reputation for being the most dangerous industry in the United States – and for good reason. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, there were 4,679 fatalities on construction sites in 2014 alone.


Unfamiliar roads can be confusing and dangerous to navigate. Constantly checking street signs, missing turns, and breaking the speed limit are common causes of accidents. In fact, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 22 percent of all large-truck crashes occur on unfamiliar roads.


The brachial plexus is a nerve cluster that sends signals from the spine to the upper limbs. As Johns Hopkins Medicine explains, an injury to these nerves can affect movement and sensation in the arms, shoulders, and hands.


The vast majority of car accidents are preventable. Despite advancements in vehicle technology, driver errors take thousands of lives every year.

According to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69 percent of U.S. drivers between the ages 18-64 had talked on a cell phone while driving within one month of being surveyed. However, smartphones are only one cause of distracted-driving collisions. Other dangers include:


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