Smartphones are only getting smarter. With each software update comes a variety of new apps designed to make your life easier – but those installations should come with warning signs.

Smartphones are a known cause of traffic accidents, with more and more drivers reporting being distracted by texts and calls while on the road. Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that 424,000 people were injured in crashes involving distracted drivers in 2013 – a 10 percent increase in just two years. What’s more, 3,154 people died.


When patients visit doctors, it is usually to discuss or diagnose a condition they know almost nothing about – such as pain that won’t go away or a cough they just can’t shake. Patients expect their physicians to have all the answers, but doctors are people, and they make mistakes just like anyone else.


Accidents can happen anywhere, and they often occur when we least expect them. When you enter a shopping mall or another commercial establishment, you expect the area to be reasonably safe. Unfortunately, store owners and managers sometimes neglect basic maintenance or fail to warn customers about hazards.


More than 94 percent of car accidents involve human error, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That means the vast majority of collisions are avoidable if drivers behave responsibly, follow traffic laws and maintain their vehicles.


Riding a motorcycle is both a thrilling and convenient way to commute. The excitement of riding, lower gas costs and cheaper maintenance are attractive to young riders; however, motorcyclists are far more likely to suffer injuries in a crash than passenger vehicle occupants.


Most car accidents are traumatic, but no experience can match the devastation of losing a child. Unfortunately, this scenario is more common than many people realize. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, at least 1,200 children aged 14 or younger died in pedestrian crashes in 2013.


Despite awareness campaigns that expose the dangers of drunk driving, an unacceptable number of motorists choose to consume alcohol before hitting the road. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 28 people lose their lives every day because of intoxicated drivers; this equates to one death every 53 minutes.


According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, passenger vehicle occupants account for at least 68 percent of all truck accident deaths. Those who are lucky enough to survive often face chronic pain, cognitive disabilities, and serious spinal injuries.


Faulty products kill and injure thousands of people every year in the United States. If a dangerous product defect is discovered after an item hits the consumer market, the manufacturer must issue a recall.


Boating is a thrilling way to enjoy the summer sun, but it comes with inherent dangers. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, boaters are at risk of impact trauma, cardiac arrest, drowning, hypothermia and other hazards.


Driver mistakes cause the overwhelming majority of auto accidents in the United States. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, human errors contribute to approximately 94 percent of all wrecks.


Construction has a reputation for being the most dangerous industry in the United States – and for good reason. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, there were 4,679 fatalities on construction sites in 2014 alone.


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