Michigan No-Fault Benefits Lawyer
The personal injury protection provision of Michigan’s no-fault laws entitle you to very valuable and helpful economic benefits if you are in a motorcycle, truck or auto accident. The benefits include medical costs, wage loss and replacement services to pay for services you can no longer provide because of your injuries.
Below are benefits allowed by the Michigan no-fault laws:
- Medical costs reimbursement: You may be eligible for reimbursement of all necessary medical costs incurred by you as a result of your accident. You may be able to coordinate benefits to pay for all expenses not covered by your basic health insurance. If you have full benefits you may be reimbursed for all necessary medical expenses incurred even if those are paid by a health insurance provider.
- Transportation/medical mileage: Transportation expenses like mileage to and from doctors’ offices, hospitals and/or therapists, or transportation charges if you do not drive may also be reimbursed. You must keep detailed records of your mileage and expenses so you can present them to your insurance company along with your medical bills. This is a lifetime benefit.
- Wage loss reimbursement: Reimbursement for lost wages due to your injuries is 85% of total wages lost as a result of your accident up to a maximum monthly amount. This amount is adjusted every October 1st so you need to check with your lawyer to determine the current monthly amount. If the insured was killed as a result of the accident, the policy will pay the family up to the monthly maximum amount for up to three years from the date of the accident based on the insured’s earnings and fringe benefits.
- Replacement services: You may also be entitled to $20 per day in replacement services to pay for services you can no longer provide due to your injuries such as housekeeping or yard work. The replacement services are payable for three years from the date of the accident.
- Attendant care services: This benefit is not restricted in the amount of time or duration. Attendant care benefits are used particularly for personal care necessity services.
- Handicap modified vehicle: You may be entitled to a handicap modified vehicle if you are seriously injured and need a van or vehicle with wheelchair accessibility or manual handicap controls.
- Home modifications: If you are seriously injured, such as a quadriplegic or paraplegic, you may be entitled to additional benefits that may include modifications to your home to accommodate special physical needs resulting from your injuries such as wheelchair accessibility.
It is very important that you file a no-fault application with the appropriate insurance carrier within 12 months from the date of the accident. Failure to do so will cause you to lose any benefits that you might be entitled to. Nothing can be done until this application is filed.
You must file a lawsuit for any reimbursements of expense not paid for by your insurance carrier within 12 months of the date that expense was incurred. If such a lawsuit is not filed within that 12-month period you will lose all rights to reimbursement for that particular item of expense.