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Michigan Reverse Discrimination Lawyer

Do you believe you are a victim of reverse discrimination? Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates can help if you have been adversely, unlawfully or unfairly affected. The term reverse discrimination or affirmative action refers to concrete steps, policies or acts that are taken to promote access to education or employment aimed at historically socio-politically nondominant groups; typically minorities or women. The motivation for affirmative action policies is to redress the effects of past discrimination and to encourage public institutions such as universities, hospitals and government agencies to be more representative of the population. The term has been applied to the practice of reserving positions for minorities in admissions programs, corporate promotions, and rehiring of certain groups with less job seniority than others.

Affirmative action policies are merely another form of discrimination because they can result in qualified applicants being denied entry to higher education or employment because they belong to a particular social group. The policies amount to discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, especially when resulting from policies established to correct discrimination against members of a minority or disadvantaged group.

If you have been the victim of reverse discrimination at your job may have been adversely, unlawfully or unfairly affected in the following manner:

  • Termination or suspension
  • Cutting or changing your hours
  • Changing your job duties
  • Demotions
  • Pay, retirement plans or disability leave
  • Harassment
  • Hostile work environment

Some groups who are targeted for affirmative action are characterized by race, gender, ethnicity or disability status. When members of targeted groups are actively sought or preferred, the reason given is usually that this is necessary to compensate for advantages that other groups are said to have had. There has been much contention whether affirmative action violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

The basis for affirmative action is that a simple adoption of principles of merit along the lines of race-blindness or gender-blindness or simply relying on elites to behave fairly will not suffice to change the situation.

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White Lake

9750 Highland Road
White Lake, MI 48386
248-886-8650White Lake


336 W First Street
Flint, MI 48502


251 North Rose St., Ste 200-6013
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Ann Arbor 

2723 South State St. Ste 250-15096
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734-882-2646Ann Arbor

Grand Rapids 

250 Monroe NW, Ste 400-706039
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-591-3700Grand Rapids 


2000 Town Center, Ste 1900-1237
Southfield, MI 48075


120 N Washington, Ste 300-5101
Lansing, MI 48933

Bay City 

401 Center Ave, Ste 25
Bay City, MI 48708

989-262-0787Bay City
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