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Livonia Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Has an injury from a bicycle accident caused you financial hardship? We can help. The Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates has helped injury victims like you recover compensation.

Did a reckless driver cause you to crash your bicycle in Livonia, Michigan? If so, you already know the many ways a bicycle accident can affect a person’s life. You've had to trade in your joy-filled rides for weeks of high-cost doctor visits, painful rehab therapy, and missed paychecks.

Let a Livonia bicycle accident lawyer help you get the compensation you deserve to get your life back on track. Give the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates a call right now. We'll listen to the details of your situation and tell you exactly how we can help.

Common Locations for Bicycle Accidents

Most bicycle accidents in cities tend to occur at specific locations due to a combination of factors, including high traffic volume, complex intersections, and poor infrastructure.

  1. Intersections: A significant number of bicycle accidents happen at or near intersections. Cyclists often need to navigate alongside motor vehicles and across multiple lanes of traffic, increasing the risk of collisions. Drivers may also fail to yield the right of way to cyclists or might not see them while making turns.
  2. Roads Without Bicycle Lanes: Streets without designated bicycle lanes are more prone to accidents, as cyclists and motor vehicles share the same space. This closeness can lead to sideswipes, doorings (when a driver opens their car door in the path of a cyclist), and other collisions.
  3. Busy Urban Areas: Urban centers with a high concentration of vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists increase the likelihood of accidents due to the dense traffic and complex driving conditions.
  4. Areas Near Commercial Parking: Locations near parking lots or on-street parking spaces pose higher risks for cyclists, primarily due to the increased chance of encountering a vehicle pulling in or out of a parking space.

Improving road designs, adding dedicated bicycle lanes, enhancing signage, and raising public awareness about cyclist safety can help reduce the frequency and severity of accidents in these high-risk areas.


Why Do Thousands of Cyclists Get Into Accidents Each Year?

In 2022, there were 1,340 bicycle-related traffic in Michigan in 2022. Livonia is undoubtedly the site of some of these incidents. What causes bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles?

The most frequent reasons for bicycle accident claims include the following:

  • Failure to Yield: Accidents regularly happen when bikers or automobiles neglect to surrender the right of way. This accident can occur when cars turn across bike lanes, at stop signs, or junctions.
  • Riding Against Traffic: Bicyclists riding against traffic have a heightened risk of accidents due to the driver's lack of anticipation and decreased visibility while approaching from the other direction.
  • Driver Inattention: Talking on the phone, texting, and other distracting activities are typical accident-related behaviors.
  • Impaired Riding or Driving: It is never a good idea to operate a vehicle or ride a bicycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These substances diminish a person's capacity to respond rapidly and form wise decisions.
  • Bad Road Conditions: Debris, uneven road surfaces, and potholes may harm cyclists.

These common causes of bicycle accidents serve as a reminder to remain cautious when biking around the city.

Bicycle Accident Statistics

In 2022, there were 1,340 bicycle-related traffic accidents in Michigan in 2022. Livonia is the site of a few of these incidents. Why do people get hurt when they occasionally hop on two wheels? The most frequent reasons for bicycle accident claims include the following:

  • Failure to Yield: Accidents regularly happen when bikers or automobiles neglect to surrender the right of way. This accident can occur when cars turn across bike lanes, at stop signs, or junctions.
  • Riding Against Traffic: Bicyclists riding against traffic have a heightened risk of accidents due to the driver's lack of anticipation and decreased visibility while approaching from the other direction.
  • Driver Inattention: Talking on the phone, texting, and other distracting activities are typical accident-related behaviors.
  • Impaired Riding or Driving: It is never a good idea to operate a vehicle or ride a bicycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These substances diminish a person's capacity to respond rapidly and form wise decisions.
  • Bad Road Conditions: Debris, uneven road surfaces, and potholes may harm cyclists.

These common causes of bicycle accidents serve as a reminder to remain cautious when biking around the city.


Common Injuries Caused by Bicycle Accidents

There's a thin line between a leisurely bike ride and a tragic crash. Think about this shocking fact for a moment: According to Livonia Fire & Rescue, more than 70% of bicycle wrecks involve cars in driveways! Just imagine something as routine as someone pulling out of their driveway can result in catastrophic injuries for a cyclist. The following are the bicycle accident injuries that frequently require medical care:

  • Bruises and Contusions: These are impact injuries that might not break the skin but can cause deep tissue damage.
  • Soft Tissue Injury: These typically involve sprains and strains affecting muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Road Rash: This injury results from skin scraping against pavement, leading to abrasions.
  • Fractures: These are broken bones, commonly occurring in the wrists, arms, and legs.
  • Rib Fractures: Broken ribs occur from impacts to the upper body.
  • Joint Dislocations: Commonly occurring in shoulders and knees, these injuries involve bones being displaced from their normal alignment.
  • Facial Injury: These can include severe cuts, bone fractures, and damage to teeth.
  • Head Injury: These can range from concussions to more severe brain injuries, even when helmets are worn.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: Damage to the spinal vertebrae or cord, which can sometimes lead to paralysis.
  • Internal Damage: These involve internal bleeding or damage to organs, usually caused by blunt trauma.

Immediate medical treatment is needed to manage afflictions, prevent complications, and support healing. In more severe bicycle accident claims, rehabilitation may be necessary to fully restore function.

Are you worried about paying your medical bills? Speak with a Livonia bicycle accident lawyer. We can assist you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to after being injured as a result of someone else’s negligence.

What to Do Right After a Bike Accident

The impact of a crash throws you off your bike. You hit the ground hard. You suspect you have an injury, but the adrenaline rushes through your body to dull the pain. You're shaken to your core, trying to gather your thoughts. What do you do now?

Here are the steps to follow if you're involved in a bicycle accident:

  1. Go to a secure area to ensure your safety. Steer clear of the road and any other area where more damage could happen. If you're injured and unable to drive, alert other drivers or bystanders to help prevent further accidents.
  2. Examine your injuries. Adrenaline can conceal pain. Take a moment to relax. Feel for any soreness. If you think you may have severe injuries, try not to move. Ask someone to contact 911 on your behalf.
  3. Report the accident. Dial 911 to contact emergency services. The call secures medical attention and creates the first official incident report. Michigan personal injury attorneys and insurers refer to 911 calls and police reports when handling claims.
  4. Swap information. Who else is involved? Are there any witnesses? Exchange information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance details.
  5. Take pictures. Focus on the accident scene, bodily harm, damage to your bike, other vehicles involved, road surface quality, and weather conditions.
  6. Notify your insurance company. Give the insurer the facts about what happened. Making false statements can result in a claim denial or legal complications.
  7. See a doctor. A comprehensive physical examination gathers medical documentation to obtain compensation for your claim and ensure you receive appropriate treatment.
  8. Speak with a bicycle accident attorney. Whether or not you were at fault, you have rights in Michigan. Should you file a personal injury lawsuit or accept a settlement offer? A free consultation with an attorney can point you in the right direction.

The above actions can help you safeguard your rights and prepare for future insurance or legal issues.


Safety Advice for Bike Riders in Livonia

Based on established cycling best practices, the following tips should be valuable:

  1. Plan Your Trip: Know your trip's specific route and ensure your route uses safer, less crowded roads before you go.
  2. Wear Visible Clothes: Choose bright colors and accessories that reflect light to make yourself more visible to other drivers.
  3. Wear a Helmet: Always wear a helmet that fits properly to prevent head trauma.
  4. Employ Bicycle Lights: Make sure your bike has front and rear lights, especially if you plan to ride in the early morning, late afternoon, or early evening.
  5. Keep an Eye Out: Be aware of potential hazards on the road, such as debris, potholes, and slick surfaces. Additionally, watch out for parked cars whose doors could unexpectedly open.
  6. Refrain from Distractions: When riding, stay away from using electronic gadgets like smartphones that could divert your attention.
  7. Observe Traffic Rules: Drive according to the speed limit and obey all traffic signs and signals.
  8. Use Hand Signals: These are helpful gestures that communicate your intentions to stop or turn so that other drivers can prepare for your move.
  9. Utilize Bike Lanes: Ride your bike in designated lanes or trails whenever feasible. If none are available, follow traffic and ride on the right side of the road.
  10. Maintain Your Bike: Make sure everything on your bike is in working order by checking the brakes, tires, and chains on a regular basis.

Cycling ought to be a fun and safe pastime in Livonia. You may enjoy a safe and enjoyable bike ride by heeding these suggestions.

How Bike Accidents Are Handled Under the No-Fault Insurance Law

The state of Michigan is a no-fault system. What does this mean?  Michigan's no-fault insurance aims to expedite payment without requiring proof of responsibility. Through this approach, injured individuals can receive instant coverage for medical expenses up to the insurance policy's maximum limitations.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits

Regardless of who caused the accident, personal injury protection (PIP) benefits cover your medical costs and a portion of your missed income. The following is an overview of the main benefits for which you may qualify under this system:

  • Medical Expenses: PIP pays for any essential medical care and post-accident rehabilitation.
  • Wage Loss Benefits: In the event that an injury prevents you from working, PIP offers wage replacement benefits for a maximum of three years.
  • Replacement Services: Up to three years of compensation for services, like yard work and home duties, that you are unable to undertake yourself.
  • Attendant Care: Reimbursement for equivalent services, including nursing care, rendered at a facility or at home.
  • Property Protection (PPI): In Michigan, this insurance pays up to $1 million for the harm a car does to other people's property, including buildings and parked cars.
  • Residual Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability (BI/PD): If you are held legally liable for an accident, this coverage guards against damages you cause to others. It also includes coverage for potential settlements and defense costs.
  • Limited Property Damage Liability: The "mini-tort" clause allows you to pay up to $3,000 for uninsured car damages to a driver when you are at least 50% at fault in an accident.

The coverage levels and specific benefits of your insurance policy may vary, such as selecting Personal Injury Protection (PIP) medical benefit limits or opting out entirely in some cases. For bicyclists, some do not have insurance at all, in which case your coverage may vary. An experienced bicycle accident lawyer can advise you on the best path forward.


The Purpose of a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim for a bicycle accident involves seeking compensation for injuries and damages sustained due to an accident that wasn't your fault. These bicycle accident claims can cover:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • And other losses

It requires proving that another party was negligent or at fault for the accident. Filing such a claim typically involves gathering evidence, documenting injuries, and possibly negotiating with insurance companies or filing a lawsuit.

What happens if your injuries are more severe and expensive than the PIP limits? If you need to get paid for your pain and suffering, you need to go beyond the no-fault system and file a suit.

Your Rights Under the Law

Bicycles are recognized as lawful road vehicles under Michigan law. Cyclists have the same rights and obligations as drivers of motor vehicles, including the following:

  • The ability to ride on public roads
  • The need to heed all signs and traffic signals
  • The right to utilize the left-hand turn lanes.

Bicycles on the road need drivers to give them at least three feet of space. The goal of this law is to increase bike safety.

Legal Myths Regarding Bicycle Accidents

For cyclists, a number of myths around cycling accidents can make the claims and legal procedures more difficult. Here are a few typical examples:

  1. Because Michigan is a no-fault state for auto insurance, people think cyclists don’t need insurance. In fact, cyclists should still have personal insurance that covers bicycle claims. This is especially important for paying for medical expenses and probable lost wages.
  2. Some people think that if you don’t wear a helmet, you won’t be able to file a claim for your injury. This is not necessarily the case. Only certain riders are required to wear helmets.
  3. When a car collides with a bicycle, it is automatically assumed that the driver of the motor vehicle is at fault. Nonetheless, the accident's particular circumstances define who is at fault. Cyclists must follow traffic laws, as breaking them may partially result in an accident.

Misconceptions about bicycle accidents can hinder your rights. Before you accept these myths and risk losing out on what you deserve, reach out to an attorney to separate fact from fiction.


How to Obtain Maximum Compensation for Your Injuries

If you've been injured in a bicycle accident, you might feel swamped. Securing the maximum compensation for your injuries requires knowledge of your rights and Michigan law. Let's explore how you can avoid settling for less than you deserve.

  1. Record Everything: As soon as the accident happens, collect as much documentation as you can. Take pictures of the damage to your bike, the accident location, and your injuries. Obtain a copy of the police report and witness contact information. This supporting documentation may be essential to proving your assertion.
  2. Watch Out for Early Settlement Offers: If you're in urgent need of money, insurance companies may make an alluring promise of a speedy settlement. These initial offers, nevertheless, are frequently less than what you would be eligible for. Before accepting any payment, have an attorney assess the severity of your losses and injuries.
  3. Know the Terms of Your Insurance Policy: Understand the coverage and exclusions of your insurance policy. Throughout the claims procedure, you don’t want to have any unpleasant surprises.
  4. See Your Doctor Right Away: See your doctor immediately after the accident. Insurance companies may claim that your injuries were not serious or linked to the event if there are delays in your care.
  5. Speak with a Livonia Bicycle Accident Attorney: A lawyer can clearly explain how the no-fault statute affects your claim.

Want to maximize your compensation for bicycle accident injuries? Seek guidance from a skilled Livonia bicycle accident lawyer. They'll guide you through the legal process to ensure you're fully compensated.

When to Seek Legal Counsel

In the following situations, speaking with a bicycle accident lawyer can be beneficial to you:

  • Disputed Liability: Legal representation can help safeguard your rights and provide evidence in your favor if there is a disagreement regarding who was at fault for the accident.
  • Fatal Accidents: Speak with an attorney about potential wrongful death claims if a loved one perished in a bicycle accident.
  • Complex Legal or Medical Issues: In certain situations, there are intricate legal regulations or subtle legal intricacies in state legislation, or the injuries have difficult-to-evaluate long-term implications. An attorney's knowledge and connections to medical professionals are necessary.
  • Catastrophic Injuries: Livonia personal injury lawyers assist in making sure you get adequate compensation to cover present and future medical costs if your accident causes serious injuries that need to be treated.
  • Low-ball Insurance Offer: Insurance providers like to settle claims quickly and inexpensively. A lawyer can bargain with these businesses to get a reasonable offer that satisfies your requirements.

If you're a Livonia resident or visitor who was injured in a bicycle accident, don't face the complex world of insurance and legal challenges on your own. Contact an attorney to protect your interests.

Have You Suffered Any Injuries in a Livonia Bicycle Accident? Obtain the Justice You Are Entitled to Receive.

Following a bicycle accident, you may experience overwhelming pain from your injuries, financial stress, and confusion about what to do next. It's a difficult moment, and you shouldn’t have to go through it alone.

The Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates know how difficult it can be to stand up for your rights. This is particularly true when facing well-funded, influential insurance corporations. They might minimize your injuries, "bully" you into taking a lowball settlement, or reject your claim.

For this reason, our personal injury law practice is dedicated to providing trustworthy legal counsel and representation. Our background in high-stakes litigation and over $250 million in verdicts and settlements enables us to get you the money you are due.

We take all personal injury matters on a contingency fee basis. This allows all people who were injured due to negligence to get the legal help they need since no upfront payments are required. You will only have to pay contingent upon our law firm resolving your claim successfully, and our payment will be a previously agreed-upon percentage of the final payout. No surprises and no upfront retainers.

Don't put off protecting your future. Contact our law firm via email or 248-886-8650 to schedule a free consultation with a Livonia bicycle accident lawyer.

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