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The Michigan employment law lawyers at Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates will fight to protect your employee rights. Contact our law firm today.

When an employer violates your rights as an employee, it can feel like there is nothing you can do to stop them. No one should be able to get away with violating your rights through discriminatory acts or unlawful employer retaliation. You deserve to have someone on your side to help you protect your rights.

At the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates, we know your employee rights, and our team has the experience to protect them. Our method of developing custom strategies helps secure the best possible outcome for our clients. We want to protect our clients, and we are ready to do what it takes to do so.

How We Fight For You

In any employee rights or whistleblower retaliation claim, the first thing you should know is that the law protects you from any retaliation for reporting a rights violation. Workplace violations come in many different forms. Each type of violation requires lawyers capable of creating the right plan to defend your rights. We can help you through rights violations, including:

If your employer retaliated against you through demotion, termination, reducing pay or hours, transfers, or harassment, we can help you. When you need someone to protect your rights, choose someone you can trust to get the job done right.

Protecting Your Rights as an Employee

In Michigan, employment law is designed to keep employees safe and to make sure they are treated fairly by their employers. These laws began early in the 20th century and have rapidly evolved to encompass the changing workforce in our state. These laws have been implemented to create a safe working environment for workers, ensure non-discriminatory hiring practices, establish a minimum wage, and various other protections for workers.

There are many instances where employers fail to observe and enforce these rules, laws, and requirements. When workers are victimized by greedy or unfair employers, they need an experienced Michigan employment lawyer by their side to advocate on their behalf and help them get the money they deserve.

Over the years, our lawyers at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates have helped numerous workers protect their legal rights after being impacted by a variety of issues. Some of the issues we have helped workers with include:

  • Forced to work off the clock
  • Improper pay by the job, install, or piece
  • Requiring to share tips
  • Employment contracts
  • Minimum wage violations
  • Fair Employment and Housing Act violations
  • Discrimination based on age, race, gender, religion, pregnancy, or military services
  • Misclassified as an independent contractor when you are an employee
  • Unfair/unenforceable non-compete contracts
  • Workplace violence
  • Workplace sexual harassment

Whether you are starting a new job, leaving an old job, or simply dealing with some type of unfair changes with your employment, it is crucial that you protect your legal rights. Our Michigan employment law lawyers can help you every step of the way to ensure your legal rights and best interests are protected.

Fighting for Victims of Discrimination

Workplace discrimination is a common subject when it comes to employment lawsuits. At the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates, we see many people subjected to discriminatory practices. These actions by employers can have devastating financial consequences for targeted employees.

Some types of discrimination that we see include acts against workers based on their:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race
  • National Origin
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Pregnancy
  • Disability

People who are discriminated against can deal with numerous negative implications. This includes:

  • Refusing to hire people based on one of the above-mentioned factors
  • Not promoting a well-qualified worker
  • Failing to raise a worker’s pay
  • Terminating an employee
  • Having company policies that directly discriminate against specific groups of employees
  • Not providing workers with equal opportunities while on the job

If you are a victim of discrimination from your employer, contact our Michigan employment lawyers right away.

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Wrongful Termination 

If you have been terminated from your job on any illegal grounds, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer. A wrongful termination lawsuit can help you hold your employer to account and get justice.

In Michigan, wrongful termination is one of the leading causes for employment-related lawsuits. Our team at Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates has helped numerous people fight to protect their legal rights after being terminated from their job based on their individual membership in any protected class.

There are also various acts that workers can commit that they are protected from wrongful termination for. This includes firing a worker for:

  • Filing a workers’ compensation claim after being hurt on the job
  • Reporting a workplace violation
  • Taking family or maternity leave due to birth or another family emergency
  • Filing a claim for sexual harassment
  • Suing an employer for discriminatory practices

If you have been fired following any of the events listed above, you may be able to file a legal claim against your employer for wrongful termination. Although your employer will never admit their wrongful actions, our Michigan employment lawyers know exactly how to handle employers to ensure our clients get justice. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation to reveal that your firing was wrong and discriminatory and demand justice on your behalf.

Employer Retaliation

The United States guarantees several rights to workers. When workers exercise the rights provided to them, it is illegal for their employers to engage in retaliatory conduct against them.

Some common employee legally protected actions that result in retaliation in the Michigan workforce include:

  • Whistleblowing
  • Filing a complaint after being harassed
  • Filing a complaint after being discriminated against
  • Refusing to perform illegal activities that are requested by the employer
  • Filing a workers’ compensation claim after being hurt on the job
  • Asking for a leave of absence under FMLA
  • Requesting accommodations for your disability
  • Requesting accommodations for your religious practices
  • Asking a manager or a co-worker about salary information in order to uncover discriminatory wage practices
  • Acting as a witness in a lawsuit filed against your employer

There are many instances where workers are fired, demoted, excluded from activities, have their pay reduced, or even reassigned due to exercising their rights. If you have been subjected to retaliation by your employer, contact the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates right away. Our Michigan employment law lawyers can help you protect your legal rights and get the justice you deserve.

Sexual Harassment on the Job

No person, regardless of their gender, should be subjected to sexual harassment while on the job. Regrettably, there are instances where people are talked to or touched inappropriately at their place of employment. There are laws in place across the nation that protect workers from harassment based on a person’s sex. Although not always, there are many instances where sexual harassment claims involve words or actions directed at another person that are of a sexual nature. These include:

  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Physically harassing a person in a sexual nature (touching inappropriately)
  • Verbal harassment
  • Unwelcomed sexual advances toward a worker

There are also cases where sexual harassment includes making offensive remarks about a person’s sex. Making any offhand comments or teasing a person about their sex can be considered extremely illegal. In some cases, it can create a hostile or offensive work environment.

You should never have to deal with any type of sexual harassment from your employer or anyone at your job. If someone sexually harasses you, our employment lawyers in Michigan can help you enforce your rights and get justice.

Pursuing an Employment Claim in Michigan

In order to pursue an employment claim in Michigan, you must be able to properly identify the law that is being broken and the type of discrimination you are subjected to. Both federal and state laws are in place to prevent discrimination on the basis of various protected characteristics.

The primary anti-discrimination federal law is found under Title VII. This law prohibits all employers from making any employment decisions on the basis of color, race, national origin, sex, or religion.

Other critical federal laws that are in place to protect workers are:

  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA): The ADEA prohibits age discrimination and provides protection to workers who are over the age of 40.
  • Americans with Disability Act (ADA): ADA is designed to prevent discrimination against people who suffer from disabilities.
  • Michigan Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA): This law specifically prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of a person’s sex, familial or marital status, height, weight, national origin, religion, race, or color. This law applies to all employers, regardless of the size of the business.

When it comes to pursuing legal action, there are specific laws that allow affected employees to recover different types of damages. For example, workers who pursue claims under ELCRA are unable to recover punitive damages. However, ADA and Title VII claims allow victims to recover these damages. It is important to know that punitive damages for these claims are capped depending on the size of the company.

Our Michigan employment law attorneys at Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates can meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss your case and determine what legal options are available for you.

Claims Surrounding Income and Payments

The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act sets specific standards on how wages are paid to employees. This includes a mandatory minimum wage, rules regarding overtime, and more. However, our state has a more generous minimum wage requirement and most companies will need to adhere to our state laws. However, there are different rules when it comes to employees who receive tips.

In Michigan, the state’s labor law requires overtime to be paid at a rate of 1 ½ times the amount of a worker’s regular rate so long as they are a non-exempt employee. This wage is to be provided to workers for any hours over 40 during any specific workweek. It is important to know that workers who are over the age of 18 are not entitled to a lunch break under the law. However, many companies do provide workers with breaks that are off-the-clock. Rarely, companies will offer paid lunch breaks.

If you are not paid wages that you are entitled to, you may be able to file a lawsuit against your employer to recover any unpaid wages that you are owed. In some instances, there are penalties that are also applied to employers who violate the state’s minimum wage and overtime laws. Our Michigan employment law lawyers will review your case and help you determine if you are entitled to compensation for lost wages and other damages.

Cases We Handle for Our Clients

Our lawyers have decades of combined experience helping workers get justice after being harmed in various ways while on the job. Our Michigan employment law attorneys know how to uncover wrongdoing, gather evidence, and fight to protect your legal rights.

Over the years, we have represented workers and employees on various employment-related legal matters in the state of Michigan. These include:

  • Sex Discrimination: No one should ever be treated differently because of their sex. Sexual discrimination can be unwanted advancements, requesting sexual favors, and engaging in actions that create a hostile or unwelcoming atmosphere for employees. Regrettably, both men and women can be subjected to this type of unwanted behavior while on the job.
  • Overtime Pay Violations: Employees who are not exempt deserve to be paid fairly. When it comes to overtime, there are instances where companies will refuse to pay qualified workers 1 ½ their normal pay rate. These workers are entitled to full and timely compensation for the work they perform and we fight to make sure they recover every last dollar owed to them.
  • Minimum Wage Cases: It is important that workers are paid a wage that meets or exceeds that state’s minimum wage requirements. However, there are instances where employers will classify workers as contractors in order to avoid paying taxes and being required to pay them a specific wage for work. Our lawyers will investigate your work and determine if you should be classified as an employee of a company. We will find out if you are being paid accordingly and demand that you are paid fully if you are being cheated out of the hourly amount you are entitled to.
  • OSHA and MIOSHA Claims: The safety of workers is imperative. Now more than ever before as we navigate through this ever-changing work environment. If you are being forced to work in an unsafe work environment, our employment lawyers in Michigan will help you file a complaint with the government regarding the conditions of your workplace. If you are retaliated against for filing a claim, we will fight to get you justice for any retaliatory actions against you.
  • Harassment: You should never have to deal with another employee, your employer, or another party harassing you during the course of your employment. Although not all forms of harassment are illegal, if you are being harassed as a result of your race, disability, sex, or your membership in any protected class, we will help you get justice.

Our lawyers at Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates are committed to helping victims of discrimination and other wrongful practices get the justice they deserve. Our lawyers will pursue legal action on your behalf and advocate to ensure your best interests are protected. We will stand by your side throughout the entire legal process and argue as to why you deserve justice.

Report Violations in Confidence

As an employee, you should always be able to go to your workplace without being discriminated against. You should be provided a fair wage and you should never be judged by your personal characteristics. When you spot workplace violations, know that you can safely report them with the help of an experienced attorney. It is possible to stand against someone who is violating your employee rights, and we can help you do it.

We want to make your fight to protect yourself as easy as possible, which is why we offer free initial consultations to our clients. Schedule your free initial consultation with our committed Michigan employment lawyers by calling us at (248) 886-8650. We have offices in White Lake, Flint, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Southfield, Lansing, and Bay City.

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We are available for free consultations in person, via Zoom or through FaceTime.

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White Lake

9750 Highland Road
White Lake, MI 48386
248-886-8650White Lake


336 W First Street
Flint, MI 48502


251 North Rose St., Ste 200-6013
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Ann Arbor 

2723 South State St. Ste 250-15096
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734-882-2646Ann Arbor

Grand Rapids 

250 Monroe NW, Ste 400-706039
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-591-3700Grand Rapids 


2000 Town Center, Ste 1900-1237
Southfield, MI 48075


120 N Washington, Ste 300-5101
Lansing, MI 48933

Bay City 

401 Center Ave, Ste 25
Bay City, MI 48708

989-262-0787Bay City
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