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Port Huron, MI (December 2, 2021) - Authorities in Port Huron say a 26-year-old woman lost her life and her three children were hospitalized in critical condition after they were involved in an accident that caused their vehicle to crash into a river. The wreck happened Tuesday, November 30, according to reports. 

Officers and firefighters were dispatched to the scene Tuesday afternoon after their vehicle reportedly crashed into the Black River. A male passenger jumped out of the car just before it entered the water. 

What led to the crash remains unknown at this time. Divers removed the woman and three young children from the vehicle, however, officials stated that the woman lost her life at the hospital a short time later. 

The three children, aged 6, 5, and 3 were reported in critical condition. Authorities continue to investigate the circumstances of the accident. 

We would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family of the deceased victim at this time. We hope for the full recovery of the injured victims. 

Michigan Auto Accidents

Port Huron, MI - 26-Year-Old Woman Killed, Three Children in Critical Condition After Car Crashes into River

Any traffic accident can be an inconvenience, but a severe crash is life-altering. Of the thousands of vehicle accidents that take place on Michigan roads each year, many only result in property damage. However, far too many end up resulting in severe personal injury or even the loss of life. Even the car wrecks that seem minor can result in serious bodily injuries, emotional and mental turmoil, and financial burdens for victims. 

If you or a loved one of yours has sustained injuries in an auto crash, or your life has been directly impacted by the loss of a family member in a deadly accident, you may be eligible to collect financial compensation. It is important that you do not agree to a settlement, sign any papers, or even speak to your insurance company until you talk to a Michigan car crash attorney. 

Wrongful Death Attorneys in Port Huron

While most people are probably able to work out the details of an auto crash and return to their normal life fairly quickly, others are not so fortunate. Being injured in a car accident not only affects your ability to function normally in your day-to-day life, but it can also divert the course of your entire existence. 

Major injuries that are often suffered in serious car accidents include broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries, to name a few. These require multiple doctor’s visits, extensive healing time, and sometimes even routine surgeries. Physical and emotional therapy may also be on the list of things that stem from suffering a serious injury in an accident. These bills add up all while you may be forced to spend time off of work. 

Not only are physical, emotional, and mental problems often brought on by auto accidents, your ability to provide for your family may also be negatively impacted, as well as your ability to engage with your friends and live your life how you see fit. A personal injury attorney in Port Huron is your best bet to be able to recover successfully–especially if the wreck that caused your injuries was caused by negligence. 

The only way an auto accident can get worse is if someone you love loses their life. Under this horrible circumstance, a wrongful death lawyer in Port Huron will know exactly what to do to help you collect financial compensation for the death of your loved one. Financial compensation can help cover some or all of the associated costs with your loved one’s passing and make it easier for you to focus on your family and emotional health during this potentially heart-wrenching time. Contact the Michigan Legal Center at your earliest convenience to discuss your own personal injury or wrongful death case at no cost to you. You can reach us at (248) 886-8650 to learn about available legal options.

Note: Our firm utilized outside sources when creating this post. We have not independently verified the facts regarding this accident. If you find information that is incorrect, contact Christopher Trainor & Associates immediately so that we correct the post to reflect the most accurate information available about the accident. This post can be removed upon request.  

Disclaimer: This information provided in this post is not intended to be legal or medical advice. The photograph used in this post was not taken at the actual accident scene. This post is not a solicitation for business. 

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