A serious car accident injury that sends you to the hospital is bad enough, but at least you can rely on proper and competent medical treatment. Or can you? According to a study by the Center for Pediatric Trauma Research, the Center for Injury Research, and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital - maybe not.
Levels 1 and 2 trauma centers in the United States are judged to provide the best treatment for patients who are severely injured. However, it was found that one out of every three patients was treated at a lower level trauma center or at some other medical facility. Of these "under triaged" patients, 40% or more of them actually suffered traumatic brain injury.
Why are so many car accident victims undiagnosed? According to a study by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma, the problem includes:
Patients as well as family members are urged to seek medical advice if they do not understand the treatment being applied and the reasons for it. Patients as well as family members should also seek advice from an attorney who has experience with trauma cases. An experienced attorney can provide free consultations or may have information concerning the tests that may be offered to the patient and the reasons for them.
In addition, if you have any concerns with how the patient or the case is being treated, contact an experienced failure to diagnose attorney from Michigan Legal Center who can help you seek a settlement for both the accident and the patient. An experienced auto accident attorney can help make sure that any medical care is covered in a financial settlement. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.