It is crucial to select the right jurors to hear and ultimately decide your future in a DUI trial. In order for your DUI attorney in Michigan to put together a group of jurors that will not be biased about DUI defendants and who will make an informed decision based on the facts presented, it is important to look at the specific facts of your case first.
Different jurors should be selected for various reasons according to the specific facts surrounding the DUI arrest. Below are three situations that demand different types of jurors.
The Rising Blood Alcohol Situation
One of the most common defenses used by a DUI attorney in Michigan is that the chemical test does not accurately reflect the defendant’s blood alcohol content. In using this defense, the attorney will need to prove that the defendant’s blood alcohol content at the time of testing was higher because there was sufficient time for the alcohol to be absorbed in the bloodstream. This will cause the blood alcohol level to be significantly higher than the actual level at the time of driving.
If your DUI attorney in Michigan plans to use this “rising blood alcohol” defense, it is best to select jurors who are feeling sick and can relate to your attorney’s comparison of their cold to the fluctuating effects of alcohol in your system.
The Defendant’s Confusion
A defense that can be used in a DUI trial where the defendant refused to cooperate with the police is to show that the lack of cooperation was a result of confusion. In other words, you refused to take a field sobriety test because you were confused.
For this defense to be successful, your attorney should select jurors who are more laden with emotion and sympathy or are less educated and do not have as much life experience.
Dealing With Poor Performance on Sobriety Tests
If you performed poorly on your standardized field sobriety test, your DUI attorney in Michigan should select jurors who are physically unfit. The reason is that overweight, elderly, and physically impaired jurors will sympathize that there may be reasons other than intoxication that resulted in a poor performance.
Contact Us
For more information about selecting the right jury in a DUI trial, call the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates at (800) 961-8477 to talk to a DUI attorney in Michigan.