Although no one expects to be injured as a result of an automobile accident, it is important to understand Michigan's automobile no-fault insurance law and how it has an impact on the medical care that is entitled to victims of automobile accidents.

Among the no-fault states in the country, Michigan has the most comprehensive medical coverage. According to Michigan's no-fault system, when an individual is injured as a result of an automobile accident, he or she may be entitled to recover allowable expenses for the rest of their life. Any and all reasonable charges for products, medications, and services for a victim's care is considered allowable expenses. There is not a cap on the amount of compensation a victim is awarded. Some allowable expenses can include:

  • Medical bills.
  • Home care.
  • Special home accommodations.
  • Rehabilitation costs.

There are some insurance companies that could deny an allowable expense claim for compensation. These companies may assert that the expenses were not necessary or appropriate to medically treat the victim. If an insurance company feels an individual has reached the full medical improvement, then claims may also be denied. It is important to remember that there are no standards set in place for determining if a medical cost is an allowable expense.

When an individual is injured in an accident, it is also crucial to keep in mind a victim has the right to choose his or her own physician. In Michigan, insurance companies are not permitted to require that a victim visit a certain doctor for treatment.

The No-Fault Act in Michigan states that an individual who was injured in an automobile accident has the right to select his or her own healthcare provider. Although this is the law, there are certain insurance companies that may subtly suggest victims of automobile accidents visit a doctor that is in the companies Preferred Provider Network, which is a group of healthcare providers who provide some services at a discount to the insurance companies. In some circumstances, the Preferred Provider Network physicians are influenced by the insurance carrier's financial interest and not administering the best treatment to automobile accident victims. If you are injured in an automobile accident, do not allow the insurance company to dictate which medical professional provides you with treatment.

There are many factors that can make receiving compensation for allowable expenses difficult. For those facing problems receiving compensation, or those who are are being pressured to select a certain doctor, an experienced attorney can provide assistance.

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