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It is a contention of certain scientists that the speed of an individual's consumption of alcohol can be significant to the peak levels of alcohol in the system. If a person consumes a vast amount of alcohol in short period of time, it can lead to seizure of the pyloric valve. This, in turn, will delay the absorption of the alcohol in the person's body. Alternatively, if the alcohol is consumed over a longer timeframe, there will be more of a chance of elimination of what the body is absorbing. As a result, the blood alcohol level (BAL) will be lower per unit of time. Experienced dui attorneys in Michigan will use this scientific evidence to defend you if you have been charged with dui.

Time Spent Drinking Is Important when Measuring BAL
Your dui lawyers in Michigan will explain that if the drinking of alcohol is done in a social setting, it is likely that the alcohol will be consumed over an extended amount of time. There are studies that have indicated that people who drink in this way might have a more rapid time of absorption than those who drink more quickly.

Sometimes, there is a combination of extended consumption and short-term consumption. For example, a person might be at a social event and drink over a long period. Then, right before leaving, might have a drink or two quickly. The BAL will be higher due to the alcoholic beverages consumed because of the final drinks.

Smoking Cigarettes Can Influence Rate of Absorption
It is important that you inform your dui attorneys in Michigan if you smoke and if you smoked cigarettes at the time you were charged with a dui. There are substances that will reduce the speed of the stomach emptying. Cigarettes will have this effect. Therefore, if you have smoked during or close in time to eating a meal, the emptying of the stomach will be slowed and the amount of time it takes to reach maximum absorption will be increased.

Your DUI Attorneys in Michigan Understand Alcohol Absorption Rates
Different kinds of alcohol have different rates of absorption and it is imperative that your dui lawyers in Michigan are made aware of what you were drinking. If an alcoholic drink has a high concentration of alcohol, it might negatively influence the pyloric valve located between the small intestine and the stomach. If the concentration of alcohol is higher, the pyloric valve will seize. This will lead to delays in the emptying of the stomach for two-to-three hours. There are, however, some alcoholic beverages that will lead to spasms of the pyloric valve. In general, if you are drinking mixed alcoholic beverages, the body will absorb these more rapidly than straight alcoholic drinks due to this spasm of the pyloric valve.

The amount of alcohol consumed might also factor into the BAL. If the alcohol is consumed in lower doses, it will cause an acceleration of the emptying of the stomach, whereas higher doses will lead to delays in the emptying of the stomach. This information is key and must be shared with your dui attorneys in Michigan.

If the drinks are higher in sugar, there will also be a delay in the rate of absorption similar to the manner in which foods can delay absorption. If a sweeter drink such as vermouth is consumed, it will be absorbed more slowly than a drink like champagne.

Contact Experienced DUI Attorneys in Michigan
If you or a loved one have been charged with dui, it's imperative to have proper legal representation by calling experienced dui attorneys in Michigan. Charges of dui are serious and if there are mitigating circumstances such as the amount of time that was spent drinking and how it might have affected the BAL, it could help in your defense.

Speak to qualified dui lawyers in Michigan by calling the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates at 800-961-8477. Call today.


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